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Why Are Schools Doing This?

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renegadefm | 13:38 Tue 01st Oct 2024 | Society & Culture
127 Answers

Just had my partners daughter ring her in tears because her daughter, partners granddaughter was susspended from wearing the wrong type of trousers. This I should add is secondary school. 

This is just messing with the child's mental health. Besides the trousers she had on we're trousers of the right colour, and not leggings as the school was suggesting they are. 


This isn't the first time I have heard of issues like this at secondary schools around here. One particular indecent was where the child was given detention for wearing the wrong brand of trainers, apparently it should have been shoes. 


It beggers believe why are schools doing this to our children. No wonder they are growing up bitter and twisted or are suffering mental health issues. 


Surely they are there to learn and get an education, it shouldn't matter what they wear. 





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But what about Hymie's explaination, that schools are profiteering from the specific school clothes shops that they stipulate the children must wear?

Doesn't that make the schools corrupt for forcing parents into purchasing the clothes from there. 

Its a bit like feathering your own nest. 

To me that puts a whole different spin on this to me. 

I didn't even realise schools get a cut from those specialised shops. 


Surely something needs to be done about that. 

Hymie's assertion may be true, and may be true for only a very small number of schools. And does that issue affect you/your family directly?If your partner's granddaughter was a pupil at a school where the uniform could be bought only from one supplier, stockist, the school would normally have given that information well in advance. 

How does that help get the child back in school?

Whether it is true or not, any commercial arrangements the schools may have are a matter for them.  It is not corruption and nothing needs doing about it.

What does need doing is parents need to support schools when they have a uniform policy and expect it to be followed instead of allowing their offspring to flout the rules and then cry "mental health" when the schools impose the sanction that is undoubtedly set out in the policy.

Whatever "profiteering" there might be, hopefully it is being put to use purchasing books or equipment for the school. Surely that's beneficial? I read a year or 2 ago that resources often have to be provided by teachers due to funding cuts. If your correct uniform purchase helps, then stop complaining. 

more like their parents are screwed  up having taken their beloveds off to Disneyland or the Med in term time and then being fined.....

Barmaid posted //Whether it is true or not, any commercial arrangements the schools may have are a matter for them.  It is not corruption and nothing needs doing about it.//


As I’ve said, if I arranged such an agreement whereby there was no personal gain to me, but the company received a kickback – I would immediately be dismissed for gross misconduct.


The FTSE100 company I work for has an ethics code, which would deem the practice a gross breach of the code.


Quite why others are permitted to act with a complete lack of ethics is beyond me - this suggests many would not see outright bribery as an issue.

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