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Brown Bear Undergoes Successful Brain Surgery

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curlyfries81 | 10:53 Thu 10th Oct 2024 | News
12 Answers

Well done, Boki, bless him!


Boki the bear having pioneering surgery to drain fluid from skull and stop seizures | UK News | Sky News




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Okay, I tried with the link but it just won't work for me. 😫

Good luck to Boki.


Now he won't have to croaki.

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Tut tut...

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Thank you!

....Put him in the cabinet!


Great - well there's still hope for you TTT

Question Author

Not the worst idea I've heard today, ToraToraTora.

I've been trying for ages to get the video to work on my mac.  Why won't it work p l e a s e?

Anybody?  Somebody?  Please.  Got Sky on and it hasn't been shown on there while I've been watching.



Bless you Wolfee.  Poor boy, hoping he'll have a better life from now on.  Well done the people operating on him for free.

Thanks N but yours wouldn't work for me.

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Brown Bear Undergoes Successful Brain Surgery

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