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How Much Is A Police Escort Through London?

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ToraToraTora | 10:42 Thu 10th Oct 2024 | News
15 Answers

....a couple of VIP Swifty tickets it would seem! Is there nothing that can't be bunged out of this sleaze ridden government?



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Nope, Pixie is deep in it too it seems.

I guess Harry must be a bit miffed too, a pop star is more imprtant than him!

Oh, give it a rest.  Are we going to have a 5 year whinge about everything Labour does?  No, I don't like what they have done up to now, never voted for them and never will.  Never understand where some folk find the time to trawl through every little snippet of news(?) to find something to moan about.

//Oh, give it a rest.//

Why?  We endured 14 years of TINO bashing now the boot is on the other foot you far left hate it.

Perhaps if your lot started behaving like decent people we would stop as nothing to use.


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Suck it up maggie we've had 14 years of it from the lefties. Now it's our turn in opposition. .....Things can only get....worse!

Yip, confirmed!  YMB and TTT are one and the same person!

What does TINO mean?  Can you please type in English?

//Perhaps if you lot started behaving like decent people we would stop as nothing to use// 

Exactly who do you mean by "you lot".  I'm a Scottish SNP through and through and certainly not "you lot".  Did you even read my post before sprouting your venon?  No, thought not.

Police escorts for pop singers must be near unheard of. It's fair game to infer any free tickets may have constituted a bribe by one or both parties.

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look at the times of the posts maggie!

Logged in on two devices !

For shame.

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maggie: //Exactly who do you mean by "you lot".  I'm a Scottish SNP through and through and certainly not "you lot".  Did you even read my post before sprouting your venon?  No, thought not.// - We know you are in the Tartan Tory party, though as a lefty you are in the wrong party. Not surprising you support Free Gear Keir and co though, your lot have a penchant for that too.

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get the techies to check the IP addresses. Anyway people with two ids tend to drop a rowlock at some point and give themselves away. Like Raving-mod/TCL did the other week.

Anyway anyone with any sense can see YMB and I are different people, he hates Boris and the monarchy for a start!

Oh dear God, I now have an indelible image of Cooper and her equally repugnant spouse dancing like idiots to Shake It Off. 

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well her old man is a Gangnam style specialist!



At the very least it whiffs a bit.


It's been reported Cooper "pressured" Scotland Yard, and then after that her husband received freebie tickets from Swift's record company. Why would her record company give freebie tickets to Ed Balls. In the scheme of things he's a nobody.


Lisa Nandy (jeez - what a waste of space she is - she's the idiot who said SKS needed to accept the free clothes and glasses to look good for the public) said there was "no undue influence" and the decision was the Mets, but you join the dots and something smells.


Given Labour have shown themsleves to be liars and hypocrites, I'm prepared to believe the escort was due to Cooper.

What does TINO mean?  Can you please type in English?

it is a mockney acronym from AB greatest living mockney sparra

There is no other - - and or the best Prime minister  we 've got

It is based on the old joke - Keir is a hopeless prime minister ( ( 2nd quipster: there is no other) yes there is Bojo would be much better ( 2nd he is not Prime Minister) - oh

Was also used 1980  for Thatcher TINA - there is no alternative

I love the Tories and far-rightists whining " and they say " suck it up and the people have voted"

Now who was it  who used to use it every day on AB - anyway it was about Brexit

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