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Common Sense From Jkrowling Again

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pastafreak | 22:50 Thu 10th Oct 2024 | News
7 Answers

Since when should girls and women have to *prove* they are in pain?



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How can you prove when you are in pain?

Some weird folk making weirder decisions.😂

Not since when - but how?  How can anyone 'prove' they are in pain.

Pain is not a provable thing. It's subjective as everyone knows.

I suspect Daily Mail nonsense is at work here.

has anyone ever had to prove they have manflu?

Question Author

Never mind manflu...they don’t even need to prove they are male.

In my early teens I was regularly sent home from school by the headmistress. It was quite obvious that I was in pain - white, hunched etc..  I would put myself to bed with a hot water bottle.  My mum thought I'd bunked off - but school explained. 

When Iwas 16 and working during the holidays in the office at Salts mill (where Mum also worked) she finally believed me and accepted the mill nurse's advice to teke me to the doctor's.  At last I got medication and the monthly torture stopped.

It's obvious if a girl is in pain, surely. No one needs to prove anything.

What about the male pupils with period pain? Damn Bigots! 😉

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