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Small Bleed On Brain

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Patsy33 | 18:44 Thu 10th Oct 2024 | Body & Soul
26 Answers

My husband has been getting bad headaches for 2 weeks. Went with him to see Doctor yesterday afternoon. While waiting, had to getca bowl off nurse as he was sick. Doctor was worried and sent us to A&E, in Gloucester. After many tests & scan told him late last night he's had a couple of bleeds on brain. One had stopped but the other was still bleeding. Said was going to arrange ambulance to take him to Southmead to see Neurosurgeon who would operate. OK, so we were very worried and preparing ourselves waiting fir ambulance. Then about midnight, they changed their minds and said he will be staying in Gloucester till the morning. He didn't have a bed till 1am. This morning my husband told me an ambulance would take him thus morning to Bristol. Had nice chat to a Doctor about what procedure he would have done. Then a bit later, he saw another Doctor that gave him an option of, "Would you rather gi to Southmead and have a hole drilled in your head, or go home with painkillers and come back in 2 weeks for another scan?"  If headaches get worse, call 999..

.My husband is frightened, and chose the latter. So we had to fetch him lunch time. We tried to talk him out if it. He could be a walking time bomb. We are all worried to death now.

We are so upset and worried now. Can you believe this?? Thoughts anyone? Thanks




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I'm very pleased to hear his headache has eased and he is relaxing.

Hopefully the next scan will show all is well. 

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That's what we're hoping. 😀

Mr Fruit 78 had a small brain bleed after falling from scaffolding, in August, they sent him home the next day with paracetamol, he couldn't have ibroufen, he had headaches, sickness and dizziness, and the dizziness, which he still gets occasionally if he gets up to quickly, but apart from that, he is doing well, thankfully.  

It is very worrying, and hopefully all will work out well for your husband.

((Patsy)) - just seen this.  My best wishes to you both & to Mr Patsy for a nice clear 2nd scan. x

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Thank you fruitsalad. Thate reassuring! Hope Mr Fruit continues to be well too. X

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Thank you, LiK..

I was surprised they let him come home to be honest. He seems to be doing OK at the moment, so fingers crossed for a clear scan in the next 2 weeks, like you kindly said. x

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