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Sexism, Racism Or Both?

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ToraToraTora | 09:46 Fri 11th Oct 2024 | News
13 Answers

It seems Barry is concerned the "brothers" don't want a black woman as the chief.



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He's urging them to get out and vote.  What's wrong with that.

In contrast, Trump is claiming that funds allocated to help the. People of Florida is being spent on migrants

Casting ones vote shouldn't be affected by the colour of the candidate shurly? 🙄

Perhaps they just don't want to vote for this black woman?

I believe she will win, despite everything I see indicating a Trump victory.

There are lots of people who never vote.  'It won't change anything for me', seems to be their reason.

While he has the right to a view, and try to convince others with his arguments, it does sound like it is a sexist, racist stance. Maybe he needs to rephrase why he supports the candidate that he does.

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I don't mean Barry is being racist or sexist I mean the "brothers" it seems there is an in built resentment among black men to black women or just women in general. That's what he is talking about.

He is speaking to the men only though. That sounds sexist.

It really is an odd thing to do.

Dont know why he his bothering because there is no way they will let Trump be President whatever the voting.

Were the voting machines rigged last time when Trump lost?

We're his cult followers right after all?

He has discovered that some black men aren't voting so he is addressing them. Maybe most women and most white people are voting.


It's sexist, racist & pathetic, & Sky reports it in a matter-of-fact manner without comment. 

Sky really is an appalling news outlet. 

It's a given that many black and white women will turn out to vote and plenty will vote Democrat. 

His concern is that some black men will refrain from voting as the Democrats candidate is a woman. He's appealing to people not to be sexiest rather than being sexist or racist himself. 

If you* want Trump to win you are an idiot.

Not a staunch right winger - although you may also be one - but first and foremost you are an idiot.

(*not directed at any particular individual)


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