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And Here's Some More For You.

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Rondy | 16:16 Sat 12th Oct 2024 | Jokes
4 Answers

Two tapeworms in a high ranking army officer.
One says to the other "What's up mate, you look really down?"
The other replies "Oh, nothing really, just life in General"


We've started going to a faith healer who cures all ailments by simply standing next to you while you shout expletives at the top of your voice!
My wife swears by him!


I bought my Nephew three socks for his Birthday as his Mum said He's grown another Foot this Year.


I went to a funeral today, when I asked the priest for the wi-fi code. He shouted, "Have some respect for the dead". I said, "Is that in all lower case?"


A Guy tried to sell me an “antique conker” the other day, but I wasn’t falling for that old chestnut.


Nicotine patches are great.
Stick one over each eye and you can't find your ciggies.


My family are arguing about the seating arrangements for Sunday's barbecue.
I'm not getting involved, I'm sitting on the fence.


On a dating site, someone messaged me asking if I liked big women.
I said I never read sequels to classic novels.


A bloke said to me today 'Are those thick lens glasses you're wearing?'
I said 'No, they're mine'


I bought one of them pre paid funeral a couple of months ago.
Yesterday I got a phone call from them to say they'd had a cancellation and they could fit me in next week.




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Up to your usual standard, Rondy! Thanks for bringing a bit of a laugh into our world!

Couple of belters, there, Rondy ☺

Made me laugh! I've heard the Wi-fi one before but still makes me giggle. Also like  thick lens glasses...😆

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Thanks guys.

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