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Listener No.4837 Ott By [Tba]

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emcee | 12:04 Sat 12th Oct 2024 | Crosswords
2 Answers

Excellent, tough puzzle with some added humour.

Happy to report I'm not at THAT stage yet.

Thanks, [tba]



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Yes, this was fun, I agree. The theme fell fairly quickly, but it took some coaxing to get to the final solution. I couldn't locate one of the extra wordplay letters, but I now see it's an optional one. I'm not sure who to thank for this. I was expecting it to be revealed in the puzzle, but maybe I've missed something.

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Same here, Hawk Crossword; I was expecting [tba] to become apparent.

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Listener No.4837 Ott By [Tba]

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