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Good Morning Sunday Birds.

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Smowball | 10:05 Sun 13th Oct 2024 | ChatterBank
6 Answers

Damp and cold here, but dry - that's my weather assesment lol! Mr Smow is still fast asleep - he could sleep for England that man!

Lots  of jobs to do today so I will do my usual which is put them in order of importance ie what HAS to be done today, what can wait, and then just try and do them in that order. 
Haven't got anything planned for lunch yet - I really fancy a roast but don't have any of the necessary in to make it so not sure what we will end up with! You can't beat a good roast dinner can you. 
My wreaths arrived yesterday afternoon- Aurumn wreaths. (One for me & one for MIL). They are to go on front door for some colour, and fill the gap in between summer hanging baskets and December festive wreaths. They are so so pretty and colourful. Really can't wait to hang it up : )



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Morning Smow.  I have a fun filled day ahead.  I have 7 buckets of tomatoes and other garden produce in the kitchen to deal with.  What the heck I am going to do with it all, I have no idea.  But I shall be chopping all day.

Morning, popped in late the other day and saw you were in a lot of pain again, hope this has eased and you have got somewhere with the pain clinic.

We are now in a 'reverse mess', unpacking all the boxes and finding places for everything.

Feel exhausted and went for flu jab Friday which knocked us out, slept on and off most of Saturday.  Doesn't usually affect either of us.

Will finish my coffee then off for a walk to blow the cobwebs way before carrying on here.

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7 buckets barmaid!? Omg lol. Can you not half chop/ prep and then freeze for when you may need some such as for bologneses, sauces etc?  Or a massive pan or tomato soup - yummy!! That also freezes well.

ubasses - not sure if you saw my post update yesterday where pain clinic said I can't even be offered an appointment for at least 187 days!! Yep.... am going to be on the phone tomorrow ; (

Good morning all, quite sunny here but sharp. I repeat my idea of trying a Tens machine. I think you can hire them weekly and if it does nothing you haven't lost out. I feel every sympathy for you, as I have seen how low back pain can bring you.

Barmaid you can make some lovely tomato chutney, there all sorts of recipes about. Could you not swap some of the tomatoes with other growers and get some onions ,or other veg? My job for today is ti catch up on the ironing. I don't mind any house chores but I hate ironing.

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Am looking at tens machines now... : )

Ive got loads of soup and passata that I did a few weeks back.  A lot of these are green.  So I shall ripen some, chutney some, and make wine out of some.  I've dealt with the cucumbers (cucumber infused gin); the courgettes and peppers and about 2 buckets so far.

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Good Morning Sunday Birds.

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