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The Elder Of My Two Cats Likes To Take A Little...

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sandyRoe | 23:15 Sat 12th Oct 2024 | ChatterBank
14 Answers

... pinch of catnip of an evening.  The other cat, a kitten about 4 months old, is showing great interest.  Is he too young to be indulging?



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Try him on a little bit

What effect does the catnip have on the older  one?

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Rolling about on the carpet, sometimes rushing about, and sometimes a workout on the scratching post.


Most cat and kitten toys sold in shops have catnip in them to encourage this behavior, nothing wrong with a kitten doing it, it's not like doing weed.....

Maybe if cats really are mad for the plant, it could be planted in owners' garden next to and around the space the owners will clearly have allocated for it's toilet; thus reducing the extreme nusiance otherwise caused to local gardeners and home owners.

Not a cat person then OG?

I've never tried it on my cat. Is the poor thing missing out?

Some cats love it, others don't or can't be bothered. My Toby will spend 5 minutes rolling around and then get bored.

Georgio gets bored easily. I don't s'pose he's suffered any for not having ever had it.

On one of the AB meets in Brum, Rowan gave me a couple of catnip mice for ASBO.  They were superstrength Canadian catnip.  I drove home that night and it had been raining.  I let ASBO in when I got back and he was soaked.  I chucked him one of the mice and within minutes he had destroyed it.  There was catnip ALL over the kitchen floor.  Of course he then rolled in it and after that cleaned himself.  I think he had a very bad trip.  He looked positively boss eyed for some time.  Mr BM walked past him and ASBO attacked him (full on assault) for no reason whatsoever.  It was very funny.

More, "not a cat owner person". The cat isn't responsible for it's lack of training.

The words "cat" and "train" are an impossible combination. 

That's the myth. But cats ain't daft.

House cats get trained.

Oh you can train them OK.  Whether they then choose to obey your commands or completely ignore them are a completely different matter.  They do not have the eagerness to please that a dog has.  They don't care.

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