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Do I Invite Other Friend Out?

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abbeylee90 | 21:31 Sun 06th Oct 2024 | Family & Relationships
117 Answers

Me and my friend are going out Friday to m&c and cinema but I just wondered if I should invite my friend who I mentioned doesn't bother with me on another thread.



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Abbey, I think you must have too many thoughts swirling around in your head - your posts tonight really are quite tangled up.I think YOU know what you mean, but you're shooting out short, terse posts that are pretty unclear. 

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Do you know what she meant?


PS Why not ask her?

I think you have some lousy 'friends' and should let most of them go.  Find some whose idea of a good time is more than getting deunk and spewing-up.  You are ona hiding to nothing i.m.o..

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She said to chicken and veg everyday for the last 6 months and also to get in the same taxi as me drop mine first and she paid back but didn't happen after.

Abbey, who is 'she', the cat's mother? I think you're following on your line of thought from last night, but you've not said who you're speaking to - and the things you're telling us make very little sense when you just pour them all out in one fell swoop!

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The friend I went out with Friday 

Abbey,what does 'she to chicken and veg everyday for the last 6 months and also...happen after' mean? It honestly doesn't make sense! If we don't know what you're even trying to say, how can we tell you whether it was significant or not? (PS And does it matter anyway? You don't  ever ask your friends, acquaintances, bosses what they meant - but you seem hopeful that WE can tell you!)

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She said if I do that for next 6 months I will feel better in myself.

Can you afford chicken on 10 hours a week? 
chicken is quite expensive.

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Probably not and my mum got it anyway. She said do my own food shop.

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//She said to chicken and veg everyday for the last 6 months and also to get in the same taxi as me drop mine first and she paid back but didn't happen after.//

Sorry abbey. The above sentence might make sense to you but it's just garbled nonsense to me and to others on here. I don't know what to suggest though as you clearly can't see that you are mangling the English language and writing stuff that is largely incomprehensible.

think abbeys friend is saying that Abbey would feel better if she ate chicken and veg everyday for 6 months, she'd feel more healthy possibly? 

See Abbey at 14:57 yesterday. 

Abbey, is your diet bad? You often ask about having takeaways...which are quite unhealthy. 

The questioner is not skint, bottomless brunches, Miller & Carter, nights on the lash, taxis here and there, driving lessons, expensive hair treatments and sundry others I've deleted from my mind.

It's all a game we're playing, I just don't know the point or the prize.

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Do I Invite Other Friend Out?

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