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Is It Normal To Be Like This?

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abbeylee90 | 13:22 Sat 19th Oct 2024 | Family & Relationships
39 Answers

This guy I been seeing on and off said about going to his today but he lives quite far now I can't be bothered and I think I'll be same with the other guy I mentioned on here who is a police officer he has said he wants to meet Monday I reckon come the day I'll not want to be bothered.



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It is perfectly normal to be insufficiently interested to not be bothered, but let them know nicely, and don't show any encouragement from then on.

Relationships - particularly new ones  - are such a faff. I'm not surprised you can't be bothered. Join the club...

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That's not the one.

^ I'll act as interpreter. That is abbey's reply to scorpiojo on the previous page

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They've stopped the trains anyway

^(I think.)

Just that the police officer was mentioned on that 175 reply thread.

When you say this guy lives quite far - how far is quite far??

In another rubber room down the corridor.

Sorry Abbey only messin' 😉

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Like 2 trains away

I like trains 2 Abbey



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2 train rides but they stopped trains for now anyway.

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Went out with my friends instead.

Nearly had some luck with a guy but he has a child but don't want no more so wants different things to me.


Oh my god!! That man is probably running in the opposite direction!

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What do you mean? I sent him packing.

The plot thickens. 😂

It wasn't even a date and you gave him the 3rd degree.


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That's it so just rejected.

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