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Local Animal Quiz

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Ripper | 10:01 Wed 16th Oct 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
20 Answers

The answer has an animal in it. i.e. the winged feathered creature and a soft mass of tissue in the head =Bird Brain.      Sausages cooked in batter (one word)   Snob monkey uses questionable methods perhaps (two words)    Thanks in advance



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1 toad (in the hole)

Monkey business springs to mind, but it's already half there.

Question Author

Yes, I thought TOAD.   Not sure about monkey business 'cos there is no refence to 'snob'

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I meant reference!

Any ideas on the 'monkey' question?

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Fishy?.................... suspect?........... are my only thoughts, it's the snob that I'm stuck on.  All the other answers have been reasonable straight forward. I tried (but failed) to find an anagram, especially as it say's 'perhaps' in the clue which often indicates an anagram. Hope all this rambling makes sense!

I was trying to get 'weasel' into the answer in some way!

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weasel is a good idea.

Money Spider ?

Ripper, will you please let us know when you get the correct answer?

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Elliemay1  Of course I will, it's driving me nuts ! May have to go to the pub tonight (obviously not for a drink!!!!but to see if anyone can enlighten me with the clue)   

Tarzans monkey was called Cheeta so could the answer be Cheetah x

oh sorry didn't see 2 words 

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Elliemay1, no luck so far, but I'm determined it's not going to beat me!!!

Ripper, when I saw you had answered I was hoping that you had solved it!

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No such luck - I even had a dream about it last night!!!!!

I still think, because of the word 'perhaps' that the first three words make an anagram (they don't, so I'm wondering if there is a typo in one of the first three words (I think 'snob' could be the culprit) )

Hope you're having a good weekend

Question Author

This is what I'm entering, even though I'm not happy with it! If you change snob to snib you get an anagram of MONKEY BUSINESS (as suggested by Canary42 earlier on this post) When the answers are published I'll let you know if it's a different answer!

Thanks for your interest - have a great Sunday!

Is there any way of contacting the setter to see if there is an error in the question?

Question Author

Unfortunately not, I live in Banbury & the quiz is distributed in pubs in Deal, Kent. The quiz sheet answers are then taken by the setter. A friend e-mails me a copy of the quiz which he picks up from a pub (for the last 20+ years!!!!!) & I e-mail my answers to him (If that makes sense!)

I just love doing quizes & crosswords!

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Local Animal Quiz

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