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Listener 4838 - Work In Question By Seps

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HawkCrossword | 12:14 Sat 19th Oct 2024 | Crosswords
8 Answers

It's not my specialist subject, so I feel I made hard work of this one. Having said that, I don't see any other posts, so maybe it's just a very tricky one. 

A lot of different gimmicks, but there was enough to keep making progress, with nicely-paced discoveries along the way. Thanks, Seps!



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This is my specialist subject but I agree with everything Hawk says.

As with all good Listeners I learned something new.

Thanks, Seps.

This is also my specialist area - indeed I have first-hand (and second-hand) knowledge of the thematic material - but still found this tricky. The last part of the highlighting eluded me for a while but raised a smile when I found it. I hope the cleverness of that little detail will not be missed by other solvers 

I found this rather disjointed. Some clues were quite tough and it was a weakness that the altered answers were predictable without solving all four of their clues.

Nevertheless a good challenge and a nice finished product.



Sorry! Forgot to pass on my thanks to the setter!

I enjoyed this, and didn't find the grid fill too difficult, though, like emcee, the fairly obvious altered entries let me work back to a couple of the original answers. Also, I initially found a second obscure word to highlight in the other possible position, which had a similar meaning to the first word, but lacked the neat connection to the subject that Cruncher mentioned.

Thanks, Seps.

😀 Thanks Seps 😀

P.S. Why don't you ever acknowledge our thanks ?







Thanks, Canary42. It's good to be reminded you still have nothing to add.

Once I had cracked one of the special answers, the whole puzzle proceeded sweetly. Though I confess I misled myself by using a word ending in "Y" at a critical juncture. And, yes, a gentle smile at the end.

Thanks,Seps! (Keeping up the good manners)

Don't mention it Phil - I'm quite happy to contribute to this weekly spam for The Listener - certainly fools the Mods.

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