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Why Is Israel Refusing To Let Independent Journalists Into Gaza?

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sandyRoe | 13:21 Sun 20th Oct 2024 | News
76 Answers

Those ill disposed to them might say it's because the crimes they've committed are such that the world would be shocked by what they've done there.

That's unlikely, isn't it?  So what is the reason?



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they don't want to let them in because of the horrible things they will find there. it's as simple as that. 
16:35 Sun 20th Oct 2024

Many haredim (but not all) are anti-zionist... they are extremely unpopular in israel. but they are still jews.

"Neturei Karta, ultra-Orthodox Jewish fringe movement that is opposed to Zionism and the existence of the State of Israel. Founded by Rabbi Amram Blau in the 1930s, Neturei Karta believes a Jewish state should not exist until the messiah returns."


French great France bad

Americans great America bad"

why do either of those statements confuse you? i like americans very much and strongly dislike the US government... why can't you understand that a people and a state are two different things? 

more information from an independent jewish news source

Why can't you understand that a people and a state are two different things? 

how can they be, it's the people that create the state?

The state is made by the people, they are the same thing, end of. You may not agree with the governing of a state from time to tim but that does not separate the people and the state.

a subset of a given people create the state... this is even more complicated in the case of israel because judaism existed for thousands of years before the modern state of israel was created. many prominent jews opposed the balfour doctrine and some later opposed the creation of israel in the first place.

it is far too simple to conflate jewishness and israel. many jews want nothing to do with israel and oppose what israel does in their name. 

"many jews want nothing to do with israel and oppose what israel does in their name. " - Many? You mean a few dissaffected groups. Any country has those, gawd knows we do but in the main the state are the people and vice versa.

you seem to think that the world is a bit like those old punch magazine cartoons toratoratora... it's more complicated than that

i condemn utterly the pakistani government's genocide of bengalis... this does not mean i hate pakistanis and it would be stupid to say so

i think the US has serious problems with corruption and imperialism... this does not mean i hate americans (i like americans!! lots of them in my life!)... it would be stupid to say that i did

i condemn utterly israel's colonisation of the west bank and gaza strip... this somehow means i hate jews??? when millions jews are not even citizens of israel?? 

it doesn't make any sense lol. it's just propaganda to distract from something horrible.

sounds very much like "my country, right or wrong" toratoratora. you're welcome to it but that isn't how normal people think

TORATORATORA, "Many? You mean a few dissaffected groups. Any country has those..."

Why did you ask for proof then?

It may be well noting that the High Court decision to bar foreign press reporters into Gaza without IDF protection(read also monitoring activity) was taken in January 2024!  The verdict taken after a Foreign Press Association challenge againts Israel's decision to bar "journalists" except those already there from entering after the Erez Crossing, which was previously used by journalists, was heavily damaged on October 7 and remains inoperable and that operating a border crossing for foreign journalists would pose an undue onus on IDF resources in wartime.. The decision taken also mentions that Israel worries that allowing foreign journalists to move around Gaza independently could endanger troops or lead to their positions being compromised. You bet.   

."some orthodox jewish groups oppose the existence of israel toratora..." - show me.

Most ultra-Orthodox Jews oppose Zionism in some way, groups like Neturei Karta and the Satmar Hasidim do not recognize the modern State of Israel.

oh dear is TTT on  the foo-foo juice tonight? - and  no one deletes HIM ! ( easily found on google)

.the High Court decision to bar foreign press reporters into Gaza without IDF protection(..) was taken in January 2024!  [ confirming a previous decision 2009]

long article on this - the  high court is obviously er Jerusalem and not  London ( I did a double takeon this) and the argument goes sort of: "No: if we dont  kill you, then the Gazans will ( as spies) so no"

The reason that Israel bans journalists from Gaza is because it can. If it couldn't, then journalists would be there. Simple as that.

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