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Labour's War On Pensioners Getting Nastier.....

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ToraToraTora | 18:12 Mon 21st Oct 2024 | News
33 Answers

"Actually, that's a daft question. Labour has everything against pensioners. Starting with the fact that they’re the age group least likely to vote for them. It's almost like Labour is punishing them as a result."

"In next week's Budget, she'll go after their capital gains and inheritances, too. These will mostly hit older people for the obvious reason that they've had time to build up more wealth.

Something that Labour appears to view as a moral flaw."

So it's a "moral flaw" to provide for yourself is it? Right oh!



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no i am not suggesting pensioners be "punished" lol.  i do however find it hard to take seriously the idea that tories care about this at all. 

Come off it nicecake-  //There are very few pensioners left after Matt Hancock marched them all off to the care homes during covid me old china. <:•)// must be one of the daftest posts ever.  I note you haven't responded to the flaws put forward in your claim.

Putting the Cons to one side, untitled, do you agree with the specific action being taken by this government regarding WFA for pensioners? 

like most people i think the cutoff is too low but agree in principal with removing it from the majority of pensioners who do not need it. 

Can't afford WFA but another couple of Billion to Ukraine today.😩😩

*principle sorry

//like most people i think the cutoff is too low but agree in principle with removing it from the majority of pensioners who do not need it. //

I have no real issue with the principle (as long as they don't go onto means test the state pension), but the difficyult bit is deciding which ones "do not need it". Even a pensioner getting £18000 a year (£1500 a month) might not have planned finances around getting it as usual this year and may now struggle to adjust. Maybe a year's notice plus consultation would have been better....or just make it a taxable payment for the better off so at least they are left with 80% of the money this year.

"...but agree in principal with removing it from the majority of pensioners who do not need it. "

But you could apply that principle to the entire State Pension. Many pensioners have made adequte provision for themselves outside the State Pension. They don't "need" it. But they were compelled to subscribe to a scheme which had defined benefits and those benefits were related (albeit very loosely) to the contributions they made. There was no question when they made those contributions that their pension payments would be means tested.

I'm not applying it to the state pension. wfa was introduced in 1997 to solve a particular problem which was widespread pensioner poverty. pensioners aren't the same group now as they were back then... society has changed. pensioners are well off today to an unprecedented degree. no problem with that but it does not make sense for most of them to receive winter fuel contributions

I've not come across any pensioner on AB who claims to be bad off, in fact most seem very well off, eating out at the best places and bragging about filling their jag up with £100 worth of fuel. What a joke. 

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19:03 teacake, AB is a tiny sample 85% of pensioners are effected.

Teacake? Cut down on the booze at xmas and £50 in fuel and you will make it without suffering. <:●)

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nicebloke1 = teacake44 your secret is out me old china. Teacake44 loved fishing too.


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