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The Labour Party & The Donald

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Khandro | 17:19 Wed 23rd Oct 2024 | News
24 Answers

'Starmer continues to peddle the line that Trump trying to sue the Labour party won’t affect his relationship with the former President, though his cabinet’s past (and very public) distain for Trump doesn’t exactly bode well for the special relationship if Trump does get in to the White House. Nor will having Labour MP Stephen Doughty as the Minister for North America…

Doughty has never hidden his feelings on Trump. In an interview with the BBC, he labelled Trump as “racist, incompetent or both” and in 2019, branded him a “racist, sexist, divisive and a liar”, “offensive to civilised values” and that Trump “represents the very worst of the world”.

Tell us how you really feel Stephen. 😄

And then there's "Moron" Lamy (as described by Rod Liddle) as Foreign Minister.

Will the special relationship survive under this government?



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there is no special relationship. 

Exactly what I was going to say untitled.

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the "relationship" between the uk and the usa is that they tell us what to do and we do it

//why do you think there hasnt been?//

Other than us following them into the occasional war, there is no evidence of it.

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So the Yanks were into WW2 before us then tomus.You feeling okay hun?

world war 2 was a long time ago. 

it isn't only wars. it's also about how we run our economy. 

the UK was fine with huawei developing 5G in this country... until the USA told us to ban them. as a result our 5 G is terrible. 

the UK constantly allows American companies to buy up valuable assets. Clarks used to invest hugely in their community before some parasite company was allowed to buy them - now all of that money goes to them. american private equity groups have absolutely infested our care home sector where they have driven up costs to extracted value. we are constantly allowing american firms to buy up our best companies to the detriment of the country. we are a puppet state and a cash cow as far as the US is concerned. 

"answer removed".TCL is on form today.Keep up the good work hun.

That wasn't me and as a final reminder, do not refer to me as, "hun".

^^^  ^^^

It never worried Attila.

@18.00.Just an affectionate term, old boy.In future i will refer you as h*n,is that okay h*n?

Use my full username, or TCL but not hun, any variation of that or any term of affection. 

That is the end of the matter and any further discussion will be deleted.

In some parts of the country hun is considered an insult 

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OK, remove the word 'special' How will the relationship fare.?

The bookies are all favouring Trump for the White Hous and he has a long memory.

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Yeah, but a very short attention span.

KHANDRO, apologies for the distraction but I hope now it can get back on track.

i don;t know why they bother obama biden both dislike the uk, and more to the point the republicans, neither party would give us a trade deal, so where is the special relationship, i get the military angle, but it only serves american interests, their is the aukus deal but thats still not a trade deal, a trade deal with the uk would be miniscule in the scheme of things world wide.

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