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Is This The Start Of A New European Cooperative?

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ToraToraTora | 09:50 Thu 24th Oct 2024 | News
2 Answers

I like the orginal common market, trade agreements and cooperation. I did not like the EUSSR it morphed into. Hopefully other countries now want to join ECOOP.



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Always wary of these deals since having got out of the EU. It may be a good deal but one needs to keep one's eye on these things until the EU stops being so petulant. They would still like control of our military along with EU member nations military. Perhaps I need to go look up about this European CooP.

Object-Oriented Programming eh ?

Well, science and tech is good to work on together, at least with similar cultures when it comes to military stuff.

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Is This The Start Of A New European Cooperative?

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