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Is This The Start Of Re-Joining The Eu

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gulliver1 | 15:37 Thu 24th Oct 2024 | News
14 Answers

MPs Pile pressure on Keir Starmer by forming a new group demanding closer ties with the EU .This new group which calls itself                    ...UK-EU Relationship...held it's first meeting on tuesday . This team want to  foster positive relationships with colleagues across the EU. Who knows what can develop from these meetings ? The UK could be back in the EU in just a couple of years from now.



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I think it mat be the start of the end of the EUSSR


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The first meeting was attended by multiple  prominent Labour back benchers including Rosie Duffield who now sits with the Independents as well as Liberals,SNPs and The Green Party.

No, it's not.

Hope that helps.


It very much looks like it. We have nothing positive to show on leaving apart from lost business and lost employment and massive expences to some companies to be able to carry on trading within the EU.

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16.12 JTH Yes, it is............ Hope that helps.































^^^^ pretty empty - like your head gully🤣

perhaps your village can negotiate to join gully.

Yet another post with no link. Somewhat like the poster who is a link short of a full chain.


No links short, just a different opinion and view than yours. Simple as that.

nicebloke, if gulliver had as you say "just a different opinion and view than yours" he would be willing to debate them but he never does and you just seem to follow him like a sheep, he will then give you best answer for saying nothing but agreeing with what he has said.  Just tries to wind people up day in day out with the same threads and not willing to debate any of them.

@6.36. Gully not willing to debate?

You seem to follow him around like sheep.

He will give you best answer for saying nothing.

Just trys to wind people up.

All the above is just your opinion. Ok. 

Now thats cleared up, any comments on the opening post?

By the way I agree with Gully regarding this/ his OP.

How strange that you agree with him just as you always do.  Not got a mind of your own then. 

Not got a mind of my own. Just made my mind up, that I agree with this /his OP.  Have you a mind now to comment on the OP yet?

Is there any point nicebloke as he will not give a proper or civil answer.  His post at 15.56 mentions Labour back benchers but doesn't name one and only mentions MPs from different partys.  Never anything to back up his claims and it seems that you are happy to go along with it and that is what you call having a mind of your own.

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Is This The Start Of Re-Joining The Eu

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