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It Seems Working People Cannot Have Assets..........right Oh!

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ToraToraTora | 09:29 Fri 25th Oct 2024 | News
27 Answers

More warped thinking from the clueless PM. So how did I buy my house? My car? My private jet? (oops!)

So if you worked hard and bought something, Labour will determine that you are not "working people" and hammer you for tax! Welcome to real Labour!



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What a massive chip you have on your shoulder. <:•)

The man is a complete fool.

12.39 - probably, in the sixth form polictics this woeful Government is engaging in. Public Sector pensions, however, are not going to be touched.


The flip-flopping in the linked article is laughable.


Starmer stated "You can probably give me any number of examples... you're asking me for a definition of who's a working person, and then you're making assumptions about what that tax might be in relation to." Well, er yes, what's wrong with that? Starmer can't properly define a 'Working Person' but surely he should be able to given it's a phrase that has been used a lot (although given he doesn't know what a woman is it's hardly surprising).


It could be a fulltime job for a landlord who has a number of properties and that person's sole income is derived from the rent he receives - why isn't he a 'working person'?


Is somebody who works their nuts off in an office putting in insane hours and is rewarded with a £200k salary a 'working person'? If not, why not?


I suspect the definition of 'working person' will become clear in the budget and will be set at a salary ceiling, thus giving him the opportunity to be mealy-mouthed in stating we've honoured the election promise by not increasing the tax for working people. Therefore by definition anybody above the threshold is not a working person.


Honestly - I despair; the man is a prat.

-- answer removed --

//The man is a complete fool//

Along with







And of course a tool.

The country is sinking fast, a large number of very rich have gone already and of course they pay a significant part of the tax burden.  Gone probably never to return and thats just on the idiots doom mongering.

But the useful idiots on here will still praise him becasue they dont have the intellect that 80% of the population have.

If landlords aren't working people and get hammered with taxes, just who does Starmer think will end up paying?

He doesn't understand that in raising taxes for practically anyone or anything ultimately affects 'working people'.

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It Seems Working People Cannot Have Assets..........right Oh!

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