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Murder As Protest

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Untitled | 15:01 Fri 25th Oct 2024 | News
31 Answers

a nazi has been found guilty of attempted murder because he attacked an asylum seeker with a knife. he said that he did it because he was frustrated about channel migrants and considered it his duty to exterminate one. 

no question i just thought his defence was interesting



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The "defence" is basically an admission of intent & guilt. Had they been less foolish they may have been able to argue they merely wished to scare or wound. But no doubt after the admission.

canary, i can trace my family back almost? a thousand yrs, im not from immigrant stock out of africa or asia.

Canary //(Atrebates, Belgae, Cantiaci, Catuvellauni, Dobunni, Dumnonii, Durotriges, Regnenses, Trinovantes, Iceni, Carvetii, Cornovii, Corieltauvi, Parisi, Brigantes, Caledonii, Caereni, Carnonacae, Corionototae, Cornovii, Creones, Damnonii, Decantae, Epidii, Gabrantovices, Lugi, Venicones, Votadini, Ordovices, Silures and more)//


Were any of those put up in hotels with three meals a day, pocket money and mobile phones? 

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it's interesting how many people seem to have sympathy with his outlook. i reckon there are quite a lot of nazis about if you just take away the swastikas or the jackboots and replace it with slightly more "respectable" and "polite" presentation

I find it interesting that you show concern for a migrant but none for someone murdered by an illegal migrant.

It's a combination of holier than thou and woke, - an unpleasant concoction.

strafford did this in the fifties - he killed an eight year old because  it annoyed the police

which he insisted he had committed to simply "annoy" the police, whom he blamed for most of his problems.

1951 - almost yesterday really

It's a combination of holier than thou and woke, - an unpleasant concoction.

Trump is another unpleasant concoction ! hur hur hur

@08.28.Werent the Nazis a bunch of anti-semitic Jew haters Untitled?Not unlike a few of the Hamas/Hez bo llah terrorist apologists on this site.

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you're obsessed ynna

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