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Bank Refusing Scammed Monies.

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carolminniemouse | 13:00 Fri 25th Oct 2024 | Business & Finance
26 Answers

My bank is refusing to refund scammed monies from my account stating that they refunded previous instances of claims I made. I cannot prove I was not negligent with my card or card details but they are refusing to refund latest scammed amount of around £70 which is a huge amount to a pensioner. Any help more than gratefully received, I feel I'm being penalised for something I didn't do.



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sometimes companies youve never heard ofare the trading names of companies you do deal with.  I recall contacting my bank about a rouge payment for £50, only to wake up the next day and think "of course!" It was a payment i had made, but just didnt recognise the name

That's happened to me a few times, bednobs.

My mother has complained about companies she has never dealt with taking money from her account and when looked into further they are as previously said different trading names or have evidence that she have permission.


Yeah we have been scammed - it  is obvious the Bank will limit its own liability by saying it is the punter's fault

It strikes me from your script you have not even begun the complaints process of the Bank ( phone calls dont really count)

Oce they turn down your final appeal internally then you can complain to the Ombudsman

so the advice is.....

follow the banks complaints process

( change your cards and PIN number and be more careful in future)

The pensioner I am assisting DID IT ! he passed on the one time pass code for what turned out to be a £70 charge. Both the bank and the phone have a record of this. Very difficult to say that he cant remember the transaction.


"I recall contacting my bank about a rouge payment for £50..."

Cheeky, an obvious red flag.

I have had the final poss-off from - £39 taken at speed of light, and I stupidly allowed a second one yesterday

One has to be more careful

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