My Dad has symptoms of possible diabetes- he is 67, gets very thirsty, needs the loo more often and has also felt dizzy like vertigo. He also has what could be thrush. I know he eats healthily though, as my Mum feeds him! But he DOES drink too much- maybe a bottle of wine a night. Since diabetes is the body's inability to handle sugar, and there is a lot of sugar in alcohol, could this be a cause, do you think?
it may not help but it is unlikely to be the primary cause- if it is diabetes- symptoms sure sound like it- he needs to see a doctor ASAP to find out for sure- it is pretty easy to control these days,but the effects of ignoring it can be potentially devastating - so good wishes to oyu all and get him to the doc. quick
I agree with tony. Sounds like your dad has the symptoms of Diabetes. He should see a Doctor as soon as possible. the wine itself would not cause him to have Daibetes but will not help it.
Could be anything, I suffered this all summer, convinced I had diabetes, dreading the confirmation, but as it happens I haven't. I've got everything else, high BP, gout but not diabetes.Get him to go to the doctors before he worries himself sick. He does drink too much alcohol, which would make him thirsty, and that would make him go to the loo more often so it's a vicious circle.