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The Czech's In The Post

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douglas9401 | 02:58 Thu 28th Nov 2024 | News
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It's mystery to me - we Brits can't seem to run these enterprises successfully but foreigners can come in, buy them up & rake off huge profits.🙄

-- answer removed --

Highly suspicious of the whole thing. What with the parcel deliveries being opened up to competition and e-mail reducing the number of letter deliveries one wonders how one can run a profitable business from what remains without virtually pricing oneself out of the market.  Unless the government decides the service is vital and intend gifting an annual wad of public cash to boost profits in order to keep it going.


Furthermore I see these "concessions" seem a little irrelevant. When the concession states that it won't be implemented before 2025, and one is already in December 2924, that's no concession.


Should never have sold off the family silver.

"When the concession states that it won't be implemented before 2025, and one is already in December 2924, that's no concession."

Is, "one" a wee bit confused?


I'd rather see a typo due to keys being close together rather than a patronising comment.

As soon as possible there'll be redundancies, price hikes, more technology and streamlining.


no compulsory redundancies to take place (until 2025)

That's a relief then 🙄

Royal Mail do need to improve services but I'm not sure this is the answer. 

Expect redundancies and price increases.

One is not confused as I expect you are well aware of. But one is plagued by tech putting down an alternative character to replace the one typed. Which, yet again, proves an editing facility is vital and yet continually denied.

It will end in tears, mark my words.

14:50 sad that nit picking contrarian morons have such empty heads that they can only pick up on typos.

It was your thinking we're in December rather than November -which appears to be more than a typo - I was querying.

sad ^^^

A few days ahead of myself ?

Ok, hold my hand up to that, makes no difference to the point made.

"The entrepreneur has already offered the following guarantees in a bid to secure the deal:

Not to raid the pension surplus"

How kind.

It would also be interesting to learn how much "real estate" the Post Office owns as I note there is no offer to keep that intact.

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