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Ab Fantasy Football 2024/25

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Arksided | 17:19 Fri 29th Nov 2024 | Football
7 Answers

Hi Folks just a reminder that any changes to your team (Selecting Captain, Transfers) need to be done an Hour and half before the first kick-off of the game week, unlike Sky these can not be changed afterwards, any changes will be carried forward to the next game week.

Deadline tonight is 6:30pm as this weekends first game is this evening:

Friday 29.11.24: 20:00 Brighton V Southampton




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Ta for that Arky, I'd completely forgotten the match this evening.

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No problem L.I.K... so had I, they just mentioned it on 'Talksport' but remembered about changes needed to be done 90 mins before the first game.

While you're about, do you know what the small star only on some players means?  Example -

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Player of the week, top eleven players of Fantasy football with the most points.

Ah-ha!  Ta again 🙂

Just seen Arky nipping about, which reminded me that a new game week starts this evening...

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Nipping about eh... not as nippy as I once were... I've put the heating on.

Nice One though L.I.K. For all this evening's first KO for gameweek 14 is 19:30 Ipswich v Crystal Palace so the deadline for changes, captain selection is 6:00pm.

Remember you can't change them afterwards for some of us tomorrows bigger games, after todays deadline.

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Ab Fantasy Football 2024/25

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