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Cocktail Drinkers, Are They Imbibing Almost Neat Spirits?

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sandyRoe | 12:43 Mon 25th Nov 2024 | ChatterBank
8 Answers

Some are diluted with a dash of vermouth, still a heady mix.

Would you need a cast iron liver to drink these?



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I think most have a 'mixer' which is some sort of cordial/fizz.

I like a rusty nail, no mixers involved 

Celtic Screw is top notch, too.  Drambuie, Scotch and Bailey's. No mixers

I like a Gibson, similarly no mixer but a lot of the cocktails sold in the pubs and clubs seem to be loooong.

Martini - vodka or gin & vermouth just has ice as a dilutant so that must be pretty strong.

My favourite cocktails are mainly 'short' with not much mixer in them, Old Fashioned, Manhattan, Lemon Drop to name a few. I'm careful how I drink.  

no I go for them I am afraid

At £10-15 a shot, I want  a decent hit.

martini and marguerita works - old fashioned

 but a lot of the cocktails sold in the pubs and clubs seem to be loooong.

ice and mixer are very cheap  and they price it as alcohol. sorry northerner in me coming out

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