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grumpy01 | 18:28 Tue 03rd Dec 2024 | Film, Media & TV
4 Answers

Watched the film Joy on Netflix on Sunday night,it culminates in the birth of Louise Brown the first "test-tube" baby.It shows the struggle scientists have to convince others that new methods  and techniques can work.



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Edwards was my physioilogy lecturer in 1972 ( well he had to eat)

and winston in oldham was the only one who wd co operate


It's the Frankenstein Factor at work. Mary Shelley has a lot to answer for 🤣

Watched this film last week and loved it.  

the doctors were all afraid of what the GMC wd say

(so nothing has changed there then. Letby inquiry heard that the parents wanted the complaining doctors to be reported and seem not to have realised they cd have done  it themselves.

Is a referral by the medical director to the GMC more oomphy? well no they now have to certify in writing that this is not a punishment referral ! - oo-er doctor!

same for the police - anyone can have done it - or the coroner - anyone can do that ( and often do). 

I said to a neighbour: I dont know why the coroner is dawdlling for a year over your husbands  death certificate. and she said " we do: we said there was funny stuff at the hospital" - oh bloody hell

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