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Turkey Dinner

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lynbrown | 11:17 Wed 04th Dec 2024 | Food & Drink
6 Answers

Roughly, how many carbs would there be in traditional turkey dinner,,?



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It's difficult to say specifically. The turkey itself is pretty much carb free. Pigs in blankets are also low if made with good quality sausages. 

Not the roast potatoes or parsnips as they are high are carrots. Lower carb veg will add a bit...sprouts, cauliflower and broccoli are quite low carb, as are most green veg.

As it's a special meal, allow a bit of leeway and be sensible. 

Probably more than you'd ideally want, but keep the portions reasonable, minimise sweet & starchy, and try not to fret about being imperfect over the season.

And don't forget all the calories in the pudding after!!! 😄😄

This page looks helpful:

Especially the bit under the heading of "A typical day of Christmas Day eating" ...

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Thanks all. 

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