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Sixes And Sevens

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Dazzy16 | 18:59 Wed 27th Nov 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
15 Answers


23.Transparent Insulation  6,7

24. Tertiary Education 7

26. Spinal Tap Amp Feature  6,6

33. Downhill Dairy Dash?  7,6,7

43. It's Falling Down!  6,6

49.  #4B0082 Fron Q9  6

66.  It Means " no worries"  6,6

A bit of a late start for me doing the puzzle but done what I can for the moment so any help would be most grateful.




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43 London Bridge (is falling  down, falling down, London Bridge is falling down...)

24 college

43 London bridge?

23 double glazing

23 double glazing

66. Hakuna Matata

33 coopers cheese rolling

26 volume eleven?

Q9 answer would help with No 49

49.  Indigo


Question Author

I was thinking of Stilton Cheese Rolling for Q33,what do others think of this possibility?

Yes dazzy, probably better than my effort above.

Question Author

Thank you Toorak for making me look up the proper spelling of college I had thought of that as an answer but I dismissed it because I spelt it wrong.(colledge) was my initial answer.

Dazzy16: I thought the Downhill Dairy Dash might be Stilton Cheese Rolling, but I know the event is on a flattish road, hardly downhill. So now I'm doubting myself or maybe just over-thinking it!

Question Author

Tommy's team,I was just thinking of that as an answer simply because it is local to Peterborough and not sure if it is downhill also.I will stick with it for now and hope I don't miss out on winning anything because of one answer,this one.😀

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