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The Science Crossword ( Cryptic )

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Matakari | 14:49 Thu 05th Dec 2024 | Crosswords
30 Answers

Back to the charge with the elemental entries in mind! Thanks!

PREAMBLE: Each crossword square can have one or two letters, which must be letters of an elemental symbol, or the letters D or T (for deuterium or tritium). For example, Dalton could be written D(Al)TON.

5d Buck after pubs right inside the city (9)

7d Recorded delivery – posted card right away for redistribution (9)

29d Buses holding functions could be limited (10)

39d Emperor’s current riot about H2 O? (8)

42d Free to distribute if announced without first aid (10)

55d Counted on final rivet before becoming corroded (7)



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counties looks right 

poll = count
that is = ie
start of slowly =s


51 beer can (anagram)

59 S(ic)k in NY

63 Total darkness (anagram)

Boson - anagram of snob plus o(scar)- fits the definition of particular form

61 Alfred Hitchcock anagram

Question Author

Oh, thanks, just for the pleasure, these last two:

43 Inspectors of beds? (7)

49 Brief orders cuts in border clinic (8)

Matakari, 'just for pleaasure'? I thought you'd be in a state of rapture already, having been given  dozens of answers  already!

43 Testers, double definition.

49 could be Succinct, brief? It's an anagram ('orders') of Cuts and In, in clue, and the CC from the start and end of Clinic. 

I know there's thematic stuff involved, but you must have SOME letters as possibilities?

Morning, Matakari. Did my answers work? It's always harder, of course, when there are no letters, no possibilities to play with.

Question Author

Bonjour et merci NACW, yes, your letters fit perfectly. “Succinct” was a straightforward entry while “Testers” went in with double letters in two squares. Having some fun with juggling all these chemical elements and expect to know many of them by heart when I’m done. Meanwhile I’m on this week’s Spectator that looks quite Matakari-friendly. And tomorrow I should be receiving the yearly Christmas Charity Puzzle…A week-end to help us forget the cold front and the fallout from the French Government crisis!

Thanks, Matakari. You're far more interested in science than I am - I know you do these puzzles often - so I'm sure you'll get all the elements (!) right. I know you've seen some of the Spectator posts, with very helpful thematic stuff, so it's definitely Matakari-friendly now.

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