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Doing Crosswords

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sandyRoe | 17:35 Sun 15th Dec 2024 | Crosswords
9 Answers

I'd usually fold the Telegraph twice so that the crossword grid and clues are neatly on my lap.  I'd get a coffee and a pen and make a start.  I rarely complete it without help from here in     AB.

Yesterday and today I tried on a laptop.  Somehow, it doesn't seem the same.  Old habits, I suppose.

I'll cancel my subscription later this week.



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Could you not print off a copy of the on-line one, Sandy? That's what I used to do. Can't stand doing them on a machine.
18:50 Sun 15th Dec 2024

I use the Telegraph app daily and do many other puzzles on my iPad or online, but I still love the "feel" of paper and pen. 

There is nothing better than the paper version, and the EV on a sunday is not available on-line. Plus it is the height of arrogance to attempt do it with a pen and not to have  Chambers right by your side!

Could you not print off a copy of the on-line one, Sandy? That's what I used to do. Can't stand doing them on a machine.

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^. That's a good idea.  I'll give it a try.

Pen? I always use a pencil.

Tilly, when I was at college (many moons ago) I had a project marked down a notch for using pencil. Apparently I wasn't showing the 'courage of my convictions'. Always used a pen since. 😊

Crosswords are perhaps more prone to errors though, Capt.

Shame about your mean!

I'd love to have the print Tele delivered everyday but it's not economically feasible at the moment, so the app is a (much) cheaper alternative. The daily paper used to be a staple of every British household, nowadays it feels like a luxury. 

I'm doing it, with a pencil on the actual newspaper, now.  Only way to fly!

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