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nicebloke1 | 12:30 Mon 16th Dec 2024 | Food & Drink
3 Answers

Do you ever buy this what they term as party food. Those fancy boxes of 6 / 8 portions of whatever they've dreamed up.

M&S seem to lead the market on this product, but other stores have their own versions. Some of it looks a little, well rubbish, with a high price tag.



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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ. is in the eye of the beholder. I used to buy such things back a good few years ago. They are handy I suppose for those who want something quick and easy and a bit different. I agree that they are over priced for the most part...but all prices have gone up.

Like pasta, I've bought some in the past but have generally been disappointed as they usually look better than they taste. And you really don't get a lot for your money.

A bag of 50 cocktail sausage rolls for about £1.50 that have only a passing acquaintance with any animal known to man, a bargain. 😄

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