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Cleaning Problems

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Ch49 | 11:58 Wed 30th Oct 2024 | Home & Garden
15 Answers

I don't want to sound like a wimp but I am almost 76 years of age and since my husband suffered a severe stroke last November all household duties are down to me.

I am OK with the cooking and laundry but I am having problems with the cleaning. Our apartment has wooden floors except for the two bedrooms. 

We have a nice little Henry hoover but he is a bit heavy for me so I sweep the floors with a broom. By this time I am feeling quite tired. To make things worse the entrance hall to our apartment block has a dark coloured carpet. So everybody that comes , including carers 4 times a day, leave quite a bit of dirt on the floor.

What I would like to know is if there is a cleaner that I can use without having to sweep or hoover beforehand  and just able to wash. I know it's a bit of a long shot but I would like to know.



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Can I suggest that you carry on sweeping the floors but not every room every day.  Do it bit by bit.  Put a dirt grabbing mat either inside or outside your front door - that will help cleap you carpets cleaner.  These are a bit pricey but can go in your washing machine.  Cheaper ones are available

Your vacuum cleaner is cumbersome and heavy.  Could you replace it with an upright, rechargable that will be lighter and easier for you to use.  These range from very cheap to very expensive.   You don't need an all singing, all dancing top of the range, but I would recommend a well known brand such as Hoover, Vax, Samsung - there is even a pretty pink one from the same company as your Henry, called Hetty - the red one is called Henry.

Have a look at these to get an idea of price and choice.

Argos may not be the best price, but it shows a range.

A bit at a time, that's the key.  

I have quite a few medical issues and struggle with floors too. ive found GTec Air Ram cordless a real benefit, no cord to contend with and really light to use.

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Thank you - I'll have a look

If you are able to get out and about these light weight battery hoovers come up in charity shops very often and no where nesr new price. Some of them have had little use.


How about a Roomba or equivalent.

Just spotted Lidl have a robotic cleaner in next weeks leaflet

I know this is a bit late for you but I think a mat in the entrance hall right outside of your flat door woud do the trick.  That's what we all do in my block.

That lets your visitors leave their rubbish outside. 

Question Author

Thank you all. Have just bought a lighter stick hoover. That's a start - and I have bought one of the mats.

We have been told we can't have mats in the communal area outside our doors - fire risk!

ch - what hoover did you buy.  thanks

Have you taken it up Dave or have folk still left them out?

Only 4 in the block - no mats outside. "They" said any mats left outside would be removed.

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