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Is It Safe To Take Paracetamol

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abbeylee90 | 15:08 Fri 20th Dec 2024 | How it Works
29 Answers

I am going out later and I have a headache now but would it be safe to take paracetamol?



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I am sure Abbey will go out anyway, Arksided. She's young, needs company, has clothes waiting to be worn and hopes she might find a nice fella  and live happily ever after.

Awe to be young and foolish, I do hope that happens for her NMA. at least she lets us know how it goes and is still with us to tell the tale.


I always find Ibrupropen works better for headaches.

PP, would you suggest limiting alcohol consumption after paracetamol or would it be okay to drink as much as normal ( people being sick on taxis) on abbey's girls' nightsout?

Both paracetamol and alcohol affect the liver so I would suggest minimal to no alcohol would be the better option

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I went out and my friend had a best chest aswell.

I went into a food coma aswell which made me sluggish ap stuck to malibu.

I think the cold aswell makes you want to go home

Best chest?

Food coma?

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Bad chest and food coma is had to much food.

oh I'm so glad you got home ok 

get to bed now and have a good sleep


merry Christmas

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Is It Safe To Take Paracetamol

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