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DDIL, What on earth are you on about?

One of the points being missed (or perhaps ignored, I don't know), is that proper Islamist radicals usually can't shut up about snackbars while carrying out atrocities. Surely if this guy was a radical, he'd have been proudly claiming this whole incident for Allah.

Cheese toasties are Christian if you count saying "christ, that's really hot. Nearly burnt my tongue"

not if he's doing a bit of taqiyya.

Very good, Alba.  😂

I had to look that up Tora. From what I can see, it's to do with avoiding persecution or protecting onself. Once the event has taken place, what good would taqiyya be for him? (Obviously, I'm making the mistake of being rational, when he's clearly a loony, but short of that...)

It would have enabled him to plan whatever he wanted to do without suspicion.  

Yeah before hand Naomi, I agree, but surely during the event and after he'd done it, he'd be chanting the usual crap.

Good point alba.

my point being the Christmas market I was at last week sold food including those mentioned but nothing Christian that I could see.

What is, "Christian" about a load of stalls flogging stuff in November and December that you could get from any number of sources in person or online?

Hanukkah falls on 25th December this year (apparently) so it might not have been a Christmas Market.

The perpetrator is an evil piece of a meat sack, not even human.

Two questions:

Is it because he's a Muslim?

Is it because the target is Christians?

My answers are No and No.

Ellipsis, I agree.  The guy may just be a non religious nut job.

Mozz, he was in a car.  Who knows what he was saying?


DDIL, perhaps they should stick to selling communion wine and wafers.  😂

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Why do ABers struggle to read everything within a thread?

Mental health problems, the biggest get out ever. The most over diagnosed excuse ever .

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he is not a muslim. you just want him to be one so that you can utilise this horrible attack to demonise european muslims. you don't give a stuff about the victims and you don't care about the truth. that's the kind of creature you are. 



What a brave person you are behind a keyboard. 

IMO, it is you that cares nothing for the victims and your bile says more about you.

22:07 is that a quote? who is that addressed to?

Corbyloon //What is, "Christian" about a load of stalls flogging stuff in November and December that you could get from any number of sources in person or online?//

 You demonstrate your ignorance of the subject and have obviously never been to a proper German Christmas market. 

Many of these "stalls flogging stuff" are displaying and selling Christmas and Christian related objects, beautifully prepared over a long period in preparation. Whole miniature nativity scenes carved in wood and many Christmas decorations made from straw, wood and other natural materials which you can enjoy, and if you wish buy while you drink the traditional German Mulled Wine (Glühwein).

It is always a happy occasion which brings together the local community to celebrate Christmas.

Anathema to Islamists and other assorted half-wits !  



Khandro............... some time ago I posted that without the birth of Christ, there would not be Christmas - or any of the traditions that have evolved from that momentous event.

It has been ignored.  

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