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brainiac | 22:48 Mon 30th Dec 2024 | News
40 Answers

Sir Winston Churchill

Sir Edward Elgar

Sir Isaac Newton

Sir Ernest Shackleton...........


Sir Gareth Southgate

a knighthood for what exactly?  Not winning anything?  How low we have sunk.



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I'm disgusted, always knew the Honours List was a joke, but this is a new low.

I doubt he's the least deserving in this years list.

What about Sadiq Khan?

Never heard of him - had to do a quick Google.  

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Maybe he can go out for a celebratory drink with Sir Stephen Fry

Sadiq Khan?? - perlease!


That's ridiculous! They chuck awards around like sweets. 


.....ok I'll own up, I'm going to be Lord TTT.

Not Lord Elpus?

Goes to show we all love a nob head

TBF GS has been the most sucessful manager we've had since Air Alf Ramsey.

A meaningless award, awarded to the sycophants, by the unworthy.

Dame Emily Thornberry? 🤦

It's an absolute joke. He was extremely well paid for doing an unremarkable part-time job.

Off to find the petition to stop these honours or at least change the process for awarding them, once and for all. 

Sadiq Khan lets London turn into a third-world sh** hole and says its just "part and parcel of living in a major city" and he gets knighted for it?

I'm speechless ....

As soon as I saw Khan on the list, I was looking forward to people getting their "Alans" in a twist as his lordship would say.


Nice to see the wonderful Stephen Fry get a knighthood.

Stephen Fry isn't "wonderful" he's a pretentious unfunny prat.

Yes - thewhole affair made into a sick joke by these undeserved awards.

Southgate? I'm sure there are bigger failures they could have picked but I can't think of one offhand!

So you think Khan deserves it then Moz?

Perhaps the King will knight him with a machette?

Mad Sad gets a knighthood whilst the considerate Kevin Sinfield gets naff all. 

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