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Where Was That Airport?

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Bert45 | 15:29 Tue 31st Dec 2024 | Film, Media & TV
5 Answers

Outnumbered, Series 2 episode 4. The building has a sign "Santa Refina Aeropuerto". I've googled repeatedly, but been unable to find the location. Do you know where the building is?



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Tenerife South Airport, also known as Tenerife South–Reina Sofía Airport, is the larger of the two international airports on the island of Tenerife: 

It's not an airport:

It's an 'events space' filming location to the southwest of London

Although FilmHub don't want to reveal the exact location in that link (because they don't want production companies to book directly with the site, rather than through their location-finding service), going to the last photo in the set reveals that it's actually on Epsom Downs racecourse.

"Santa Refina Aeropuerto."

Sounds a bit like "Scorchio" to me.


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Thanks, Buenchico. That's it!

In a refinery perhaps? Santalow, near Chester, would be the obvious UK one.....

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Where Was That Airport?

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