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Tiny Black Flies.

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sandyRoe | 22:52 Thu 02nd Jan 2025 | Home & Garden
13 Answers

Are they newly hatched house flies?  If so, how to get rid of them without using an aerosol?



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We, here in West Yorkshire, have the same problem, sandyRoe,  but we haven't figured out how to get rid of them. We have used an aerosol, but it takes a direct hit to bring them down. Any attempt to squash them is not successful, because they can see my hand approaching and they are very quick to fly away. They congregate mainly in our kitchen, if that's any help. I shall watch this thread with interest.

Get a Spider, they will eat them.

I'm pretty sure they come up through the kitchen sink.

Tiny black flies are probably fruit flies and you probably have something that has gone off somewhere that attracts them.  Try putting a little cider vinegar in an old jam jar with a little washing up liquid - and hunt down the thing that might have gone off (it only need be a slightly old apple in a fruit bowl).

Drain flies.

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I've some apples that are past their best.  I throw a couple into the garden for the blackbirds. 

I'll throw them all out tomorrow.

With nothing to attract the flies they might move on.

Could they be fungus gnats? Though they are common around indoor plants. 

These are supposed to work. User Recommendationref=sr_1_2_sspa?adgrpid=71253535361&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.nR5IJ96nE7qrBnFCf2pnigz-OoIAELt3K9FvCF65ONHE9dBxyeEfFEADKKRlgvNhJSy_ufnuxRVFN5h1KLoUSO4yPUy_IpFL5nUDVaJSgNOYFjalKNPrXEDOhQqvU3vxVLDR4RGE3OAAPQ7ZBR8f-Q7Lwdv1Mqk3E5vEbG2sEny6-i48oynYKFJwY9CvWT1l31ifyubBUljt2jM_klhPoJqtJWXzU_V6eTOzLm13z5-0VFBlWzuyCBRFFI-rMEzNTd735wKUKX51kfcZ7lJVL71rAtHANrMQ3nYKXQlFgYY.MpTgChFcT9-0kq-joJkfxwX2rn8V6bL1JIaHHRUScwA&dib_tag=se&hvadid=335940802731&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9045314&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=665443082058595181&hvtargid=kwd-349080039595&hydadcr=5944_1758465&keywords=sticky%2Btraps%2Bfor%2Bgnats&nsdOptOutParam=true&qid=1735862372&sr=8-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&th=1


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I've reported all the house plants.  The flies might be coming from the new soil.

I'll try some of those.  ^

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Repotted  ^

Sounds like fungus flies to me, I had these last year, they came in some potting compost.

Those sticky  yellow traps worked well for me, and you can see what you've killed too. 

I've never heard of so many fly types before !


Yeah got small flies here too. Mainly in the kitchen, bathroom, and the back bedroom where there are herbs growing (er... I mean committing suicide) on the window sill.


(Oh and on my black jeans.)

You don't need to chase them all round the house with a spray can.

Just insert the sticky labels into the surface of the plants, walk away, and I think you will see the last of them pretty soon.

If they're fleas from rats,  then you're in trouble. ⚫️ 😁

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