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Uk's First Drug Comsumption Room

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barry1010 | 17:00 Sat 04th Jan 2025 | News
31 Answers

This has saddened me, I'm sure it won't end well

Cost millions, will be open 24/7 365 with staff.



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Radio rental, it's just amazing what we as a nation will spend money on.

It seems counterintuitive to legalise this but if healthworkers can engage with drug abusers, gather information and work towards reducing the dreadful numbers of street-users, etc. it may just make the city better for the remainder of Glaswegians.

Do the addicts they claim to cater for, care about their dignity?

I'm not suggesting they don't deserve it, more a rhetorical question really.


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It hasn't worked well for the other well meaning countries that have tried this.  It's a shame it's located in amongst a health centre, it should be in its own grounds.  My chemist has enough problems every week from the few methadone customers they supervise daily and they do cause problems for people in the vicinity. 

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The irony is they will be allowed to use a dangerous, illegal drug in comfort but will have to go outside for a fag.

Close the pubs and open up drug dens instead. Welcome to the dystopian future. 

Haha will they have to smoke their ganga outside and let the smackheads shoot up inside to protect their health. 

While the general population suffers theimpossibility of seeing a doctor, junkies, jakeys, illegal invaders and general dregs are feted like honoured guests and want for little as they carry on their self-inflicted problems in a downward spiral to the inevitable.

Our leaders are mentally ill and should be removed.

The country is ***.

17:44.... can't fault that dougie! After the last real Labour sheet show, we had TGL to save us, who will it be this time?

//who will it be this time?//

Begins with an "F"

I'm getting a bit of de ja vu here, didn't we already have "shooting galleries"?

In other news, new 'grooming salons' are to be opened where predominantly Pakistani men can groom young white girls and rape them under legal supervision.


Yes, of course I'm talking bullocks, but if somebody had said to me yesterday consumption rooms were to be opened so heroin addicts could indulge in a illegal activity under legal supervision, I'd have thought they were taking bullocks.

18:00 don't joke me old china! I'd put nothing past the ***.

It's very sad that this is necessary. It's not a new thing, anyway. I don't think it will encourage new potential users. Just keeping safe the ones that are. 

I would legalise drug use & give them all they want for free. Take it away from the criminal fraternity and maybe see off some of the users into the bargain.

radio rental, ding ddanga foo danga

I  hesitate to compete with such er wisdom. Not the first - the addicts are given sterile syrings and needles and then dispose of them.

Glasgow had an heroin related outbreak of anthrax ( yes anthrax, secret germ weapon stuff)

so this is probably needed

BUT Granada had one ( what coronathion threet? no Granada Ethpania) and the results are nt that good - low use, low reduction in avoidable deaths

fanga dooby rentals boys and girls ( o god twittish AB speak creeps back into whatever I write



My chemist has enough problems every week from the few methadone customers they supervise daily

that is oral isnt it?  ( Ay am not up in supervised drug dependence) - they have to drink it in front of the dispenser. And of course hoarding and concealment are obvious issues

I think the oral stuff ( nethadone ) the addicts tried to inject intavenously. Honestly the dope fiends will try anything...


^^ I think he should know. Most of the posts are hallucigenic.

-- answer removed --

I'm getting a bit of de ja vu here, didn't we already have "shooting galleries"?

foo danga foo danga - Shooting galleries appear in  Bleak House and are for ex army to fire rifles ( rifle range but inner city)

Togo and TTT - Bleak House -  what the Dickens is that foo?

Then the phrase was reused for shooting up heroin - but um werent hygienic from the 60s.

Deffo not the same - not even on AB-world

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