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This Pretty Much Encapsulates The Proble With Multiculturism

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youngmafbog | 13:32 Mon 06th Jan 2025 | News
35 Answers

Teach children to identify as Muslim instead of British, says frontrunner for Islamic body, Wajid Akhter, standing to be general secretary of the Muslim Council of Britain, also condemned new year celebrations as ‘pagan’

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Atheist, Islam does not compare - and cannot he compared - to any other religion on earth.

and I agree with YMB that there should be no religious schools. We should be aiming for secularisation.

Yep, all part of the islamification process supported by Labour and the Trobsicites generally.

yep the usual suspects misleading us by misrepresentation as usual.

There is an advisory council ( elected - very islamic) and they are standing for election

You proddies are taught Catholic terrorism 1580-1620 and we got a different slant.

All that being muslim first and Brit second is does, is to attract attention from MI5. Is any one watching 7/7 London bombings ? Alll  the good bits dropped- Br Tr Police refusing to attend Tavistock,  Sq ( er excuse me isnt the address of their HQ.... Tavidstock Sq?)

BMA girlie typist pretending to be a doc and the bereaved parents besieging the coroner with " wd my child have survived if she hadnt gone near them?`1"


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labour tory governments past and present probably know the cancer of islam has spread far and wide, how to arrest that cancer erm, could start by calling it for what it is - pernicious.
i think governments think it's to late for fear of riots on a scale never seen in the uk, let alone accusations of racism even though islam is not a race, i do think a public inquiry would help as long as it's impartial, say's it's an islamic problem with men and there communities covering it up, shame them if need be, perhaps things would change.

Khazakhstan, whilst being about 70% muslim, has banned the hijab in schools and wishes to remain a secular society.

Whilst the Quran (and Hadith, etc) often give licence for a particular behaviour, fundamentalists always substitute must/should for can.

Islam is a Political organisation with a religion tacked onto it to hide behind.

The Muslim Council of GB is simply a sub-section of The Muslim Brotherhood - beloved by one Adolf Hitler (he thought their unwavering submission to their leader was just the ticket). The agenda of the Brotherhood is to take over the entire world, & many 'useful idiots' are helping them to do it.

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Islam is a Political organisation with a religion tacked onto it to hide behind.

we are all allowed to have opinions - and express them. Even when they are craxy- long live free sppech on AB !

Peter Pedant - you were warned yesterday by another Mod that your constant references to Site Moderation would not be tolerated & that you would be suspended if you continued.  Consider that suspension now in force.

The last thing you want to identify with is some religious group. Your spiritual beliefs, given that they are taken on faith, need to be a personal private thing, whereas other categories are better considered when dealing with real life issues.  In particular your nation, which you are a part of and which you should want the best for, for the sake of both yourself and your fellow citizens.

Old_Geezer, very eloquent but imho muslims want to change the uk from within so it mirrors there faith and their parents motherland, new migrants and older ones and ones born here imho, all these gangs operating with impunity, to say neighbors imams family members etc did not know erm.

Wellllits all going on, everyome shoild be themselves

Killing me softly.

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