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Vitamin B And Vitamin D

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sandyRoe | 07:49 Thu 09th Jan 2025 | Body & Soul
10 Answers

I've just ordered some tablets from Boots. Any others I should consider?



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Vitamin C

Why do you need them?

If you don't feel your diet is very healthy  maybe a fish oil for joints/ heart health with glucosamine and possibly chondroitin but you may not need  theVit D  with that, check the rdas on the list at the back

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I'm probably an example of the worried well.

I don't get out as much as I once did, so that's why I thought of the vitamin D.  Last time I had 'bloods' taken I was given a prescription for Vitamin B.  But that was some time ago.

Anyone who has  or had a problem with alcohol will probably be low on vit b.  Remember there are lots of different b's.

I take both Vit D & Vit B but both by prescription as bloods showed that I was very deficient in both. 

Most of the UK is deficient in Vitamin D during the winter.

We all take D3, that's enough

Take as many or as few as you wish, but do your research first.  If you take D3 you may wish to consider K2 too, as apparently it encourages D3 absorption in bones and dissuades it going into soft tissue.


You should, however, get sufficient from your diet, but top-up however you feel.

I take vitamin D and have done for years. I also take magnesium as it was recommended to me when I was getting a lot of migraines at's also useful for relaxation/sleep and leg cramps. I'll take C mostly in the winter months. 

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