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cavendish | 08:49 Thu 26th Oct 2006 | Home & Garden
4 Answers
I bought a camellia several years ago. It was quite small and cheap, and I planted it in my garden. By this spring it had grown and produced two flowers. Now, due to the unseasonal warm weather, it is full of buds. My question is will the inevitable frost kill the flowers?


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In my experience of our camelia, yes. They are very intolerant of frost. Put it somewhere frost free over the winter.
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Thanks for that - the trouble is it's in the garden, and I understood that they don't like being moved. Perhaps I could put a plastic bag over it, or something.
Or you could use something like horticultral fleece or hessian sacking to give it some frost protection.
A lot of the damag seems to occure when it thaws quickly in the moring sun, an east facing asspect will do this every time, so make sure that side at least is well shielded.
Good Luck Tbird+
We have ours in pots, so they can brought into the shed in the winter.

No, you're right, they don't like being disturbed. Sets them back months.

Fussy things!

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