A tedious, directionless load of ooh-aren't-we-weird-and-whacky tosh.
Closely followed by:
Pretty Woman Mission Impossible 2 Crocodile Dundee 2 Practical Magic (not even being in love with Nicole Kidman could rescue it) The Passenger Little Voice
Wardminder, if you don't mind, I'd like to enhance your amazing Bond story.
How about this for your tale....if...before killing Bond in the horrendous way, he reveals his whole plot, escape plan and everything he has schemed. I think that would add great excitement to your unique and wonderful story.
Zorro, of course! B & R was atrocious. And within that atrociousness, Alicia Silverstone managed to sink to further depths. Her fight scene near the end is one of the worst/funniest things I've ever seen on film.
Backdrifter.. Wolf Crekk is advertised as the 'Scariest Horror film of the year' and although it is supposed to be based on a true story it actually bares little resembelance ot the actual events. It cant do as they never caught the killer.
There's a caption at the end of Wolf Creek alleging that the killer depicted in the film was tried but not convicted as there was no evidence. Bear in mind when films are "based on true events" that they're not usually aiming to be documentaries. It'd probably be better if they said "inspired by" true events, indeed some films do this. Films are sometimes both helped and hindered by their own publicity. It's ludicrous to call Wolf Creek a "horror" film. Calling something "the scariest film ever" is just going to absurdly raise people's expectations - Blair Witch had that tag line and while I liked the film (which has been nominated by some people in this thread!) it obviously isn't the scariest film.
I've got another worst film to add - last night I watched most of Mission To Mars, and it shot straight into my list. What a load of embarrassing drivel. And one of the worst endings ever. I really like Gary Sinise as an actor but that ending made him look stupid and made me cringe.
Come to think of it, Armageddon was pretty bad too, that'd be in there as well.