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Why does everything go wrong at once???

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purplehair | 22:21 Wed 01st Nov 2006 | Body & Soul
12 Answers
Today i:
had argument with boyf
cut my hand on a potato peeler
smashed a vase
burnt some baked beans
messed up dinner
my msn wont work

why do these things all happen on the same day?


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if i was u i would go 2 bed now hope thing r better 4 u tomorrow
Well you got rid of that old wives tale....everything comes in threes lol
When it rains it pours, but don't worry you will probably find that a whole lot of things will go right at once aswell. There are good times and bad times.
Question Author
i'm just sitting quietly at the pc now so nothing can go wrong (touch wood)
This is a text I sent to my uncle today............

My front doors bust,
Now my back doors bust.
My boilers bust and so was the heating in my car. Now the ******* battery's gone flat and it's on double yellow's.

Oh, and i've just bought some coal and logs............which are still in my car cause they're too heavy to carry.

So, after all that I'm still freezing!!!

I've had a bad day as well.

Say your prayers tonight!
ummmm sounds like u had gd day .its not even fri 13 lol
A good day! Are you mad????
thought things came in threes not four,you poor thing i just hope todays better for you than yesterday good luck
Cheers Tradey.

I'm a bit scared to go in case I get hit by a car
If they happened in this order then its because the argument has upset you and therefore you cannot concentrate on simple daily tasks. Except for msn not working, that is just bad luck.... :o(
i had the same problem
sumthing happened the night b4
my mate found out she told a guy i liked now he hates me his mate hates me shes in a **** with me all coz shes jealous and now its just gone down hill got threated to b kicked out of my house and yea gr8 day .

no how u feel

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Why does everything go wrong at once???

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