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When to go to the vet?

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Noweia | 10:23 Tue 31st Oct 2006 | Pets
6 Answers
It seems a lot of questions we get here are from worried pet owners who aren't sure whether their pet needs to see a vet or not.

There is a website called Vet Help Direct that works a bit like NHS 24 - you select what pet you have (currently only dogs, cats and rabbits) and then pick what symptoms your pet is showing, and the site tells you whether it is urgent or not.

The site can be found here:


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Good site Noweia, but I have to disagree slightly with what you say - we get a lot of people on here who think we can give them the answer they want to hear - and at the same time save them paying a vets bill!

In a lot of cases they should have already taken the animal to the vet rather than spend time on the computer.

Then they cop the right 'ump when we tell them that is what they should have done!
Great post Noweia, but I do agree with Lankeela in that I am a bit surprised at people asking if they should take what appears to be quite an ill animal to the vet or not! With my cats I take no chances and get them to the vet asap whether they like it or not!
Cheers Sue
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I agree that many people do come on here instead of taking a sick animal to the vet, however the above website should tell them the same info as we will (i.e. take your pet to the vet!) immediately, instead of that person having to wait for a reply.

The website goes out to all pet owners, not only ones posting here - it aims to save vets being woken up at 4am by someone asking if their pet's claws should be clipped, for example!
lol - I second that final comment Noweia!

I got woken up once at 3 am by someone asking if they could order a worming tablet to be picked up in the morning!
But aren't you supposed to provide a 24 hour service? LOL

Did you hear about the vet who got a call in the middle of the night asking how to stop a dog humping its mate? The vet told the owner to put the phone near the dogs and let it ring. The owner asked if that would work, and the vet replied, it sure as hell stopped me!
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Practices must arrange for 24 hour emergency cover for patients. However, some people think we spend all night sitting awake by the phone, looking forward for people to ring!

In reality, if we're on call during the night we've quite often been working all day the previous day and will be working all day the next, and don't appreciate being called to talk about a problem that's been there for a few days!

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When to go to the vet?

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