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the sun

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cesco | 18:19 Mon 20th Nov 2006 | Science
10 Answers
where does the sun go at night


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To bed, and in winter its cold so he spends more time in bed and less time visible.
To the dark side of the moon
The same place it goes during the day, I would imagine?
It sinks down behind Home Hill as the Teletubbies wave it goodbye and say Eh-Oh.
It goes to the opposite side of the Earth as it's daytime there.
I stayed up all night wondering about that.

Then it dawned on me.
The God Ra pilots it on a boat, down the River Nile and back to the gates of Dawn, where it begins its journey again the next morning.
What silly answers, it was Helios the Greek God who tows it away at night behind his chariot then brings it back the next day.
The Ministry Of Sound.
it gets delivered all around the country ready for people to read the next morning

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the sun

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