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would you ???

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funkymoped | 15:01 Sun 17th Dec 2006 | Body & Soul
26 Answers
go with someone just because they were a millionaire ???


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i find alot, but not all people with lots of money boring, the best times i've had have been when i was skint

so for me no............
Michael Winner seems to get lots of offers/
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in honesty, i wouldnt go with ANY woman just because she was wealthy !
there would have to be a physical/emotional attraction...

i was born on a council estate. my life was exactly as i wanted when i was younger. money was never going to be a factor in my future, so to answer my own question.

no i wouldnt !
if they had a shower first and i was getting some dosh out of it then yes (quite a bit of dosh mind)
when your'e starting to name names,kwicky, then michael winner, unfortunately for him, is on the "definitely not" list.
i think i have just changed my view on this topic after all !!
Man walks up to girl in bar and starts chatting. Eventually he asks
"Would you sleep with me for a million pounds?"
Girl - "mmmmm..... yes"
Man - "would you sleep with me for twenty pounds?"
Girl - "no, what sort of girl do you think I am?"
Man - "we've already established that. We're now haggling over the price!"

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