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big bear in | 19:05 Wed 06th Dec 2006 | How it Works
5 Answers
why are zips on trousers know as flies ??


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It's not just zips - buttoned openings are called flies too.

Fly has several meanings -one is 'flap'. Tent openings are also called flies.

So it's another way of saying trouser flap or opening. The expression 'trouser fly' has been in use since the 1840s.
The small triangle windows on old cars were also called fly windows.
thats news to me Ratter, they were always called quarter lights where i come from
Probably because if you haven't done it up properly, your knob 'flies' out.
We say that you are "flying low" if you haven't done your flies up....Hammerhead how would that argument work on girls, since we don't tend to have "knobs"?

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