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Eve | 23:35 Sun 17th Dec 2006 | Body & Soul
5 Answers
Has anyone else out there been cheated on?

If so, did you forgive them and what happened?

Ummm's earlier question got me thinking and I find it rather disconcerting i've been cheated on so many times and often wonder if it's something to do with me!!!


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could be, Jenna, if it's happened a lot. Not necessarily that you're not good enough for them but that you tend to pick the wrong men? There are plenty of men who don't cheat, and you might like to ask yourself why you don't choose them? Maybe you like a rogue, maybe you're secretly bored by ordinary fidelity, maybe you're replicating your parents' experience... I don't know, you'd have to think about all the details that attracted you to Mr Wrong.
Yes Jenna, The first time I was 20 years old with a 2 year old daughter. He phoned me and told me what he had done. I didn't forgive him!!!!

Second time....Father of my two boys. I found out because he kept accusing me of sleeping with other men. I just thought, hey, if your that paranoid you're up to something blah blah. I didn't forgive him.

Since then, so far, Cheat free!
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I think I suffer from the too nice for my own good syndrome, try to understand and forgive and give a second chance so they think they can take the ****.

jno, you're right, if i'm honest I do tend to go for the rogues, I used to find it hard to settle with nice guys, the ones who would never cheat one me. I think it's my annoying desire to help people which is part of my downfall too.

I'm also not good at full on attention as i'm not used to it and it makes me feel uncomfortable although i think this will change with the right guy, my ex fiancee, the only man i've ever loved and let get close to me, I was fine with.

I suppose in a way i'm subconsciously trying to recreate that which i'm used to and in a way comfortable in rather than taking an emotional risk and letting myself go with someone through fear of getting hurt.
I have been faithful to one-lady 34 years. Had chances to dally, did not self indulge, though ego would have loved it. I would hate it done to me, and could not dream of hurting my partner so badly. Once you commit, etc.
I lived with someone for 7 years only to find my friend was trying to get him to leave me. In the end I moved out and we sold the house etc. it was only 12 months on I found out it was all her, not him, but by then the damage was done. i haven't spoken to m friend since and I just hope that what goes around comes around....

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