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Christmas Dingbats

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Legolassie | 00:12 Sat 16th Dec 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers
Hi, Anyone any nearer with 45 Ebony and 48 Flue Epi ^ Thanks


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Don't understand your clues!.....Ebony and Ivory?
Hi paulineward - this has been an ongoing 'thing' which has been driving a lot of us clear up the wall!! Below is a link to one of the threads which might help explain it! Please, please, please, please come up with the answers!! :O) zles/Question332268.html
Ah...that explains it all Dustybun....I think!!!!!
45. Could it be Dante's poem 'Dark Wood to White Rose' - or is that too obscure ?
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Hi, its good but how do you explain the sloping letters. This one and the Flue Epi ^ is driving me crazy. Please keep trying Thanks Legolassie

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Christmas Dingbats

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